Quiz card game that challenges and expands knowledge while stimulating discussion.
Engage4BIO Activity Catalogue
Catalogue capturing activities for training, knowledge gain and policy loops in the Engage4BIO partnership.
Engage4BIO Co-creation Guide
Hands-on guidelines for the organisation of co-creation workshops.
Engage4BIO Theoretical Framework
Provides an analytical framework to ensure that the processes, materials and activities comply with the project objectives.
Engage4BIO Map&Gap Analysis
Analyzes the potential for regional bioeconomy developments and the knowledge and innovation gaps.
“Conscious and sustainable consumption of marine resources”, Engage4BLU
Video on produced by students and teachers of the “S. Calvino – G.B. Amico” and “G.B. Amico” school in Trapani, supported by our Italian Hub leader UNIPA.
Eine nachhaltige Zukunft gestalten: Bioökonomie für Kommunen und Verwaltung
Bochure that serves as a guide for Austrian municipalities, highlighting the importance and benefits of integrating bioeconomy into local governance. German version.
Engage4BLU Brochure
Bochure developed by the Italian Hub with the “S. Calvino” “G.B. AMico” Schools in Trapani on conscious and sustainable consumption of marine resources.