A huge thank you to all the experts, students, partners and participants of the “European Maritime Day 2024 – GIORNATE EUROPEE DEL MARE E MODELLI DI BUONE PRATICHE SUI TERRITORI: BIOECONOMIA BLU”, organised by the Italian HUB and Europe Direct Trapani in Trapani, on the 23rd of October 2024.
The Italian Hub would like to thank the amazing work of all involved!
During the workshop, good practices for blue growth in Italy have been presented and the results of the Engage4BIO project have been successfully translated into different socio-spatial contexts (Task 3.5).
As Italian Partners, we were thrilled to present the two awareness-raising campaigns “Conscious and sustainable consumption of marine resources” and “What a wonderful waste! Re-use, recycling and valorisation of waste from marine supply chains” (Task 3.4) co-created with the brilliant high school students from the Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore “S. Calvino – G.B. Amico”, Grafica e Comunicazione ITT “G.B. Amico” of Trapani, together with the screening of the preview of the video installation, as part of the implementation of art events and communication campaigns (Task 3.3).
The ideas exchanged and the projects presented during the workshop reinforce our commitment to the protection of our marine resources!