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Second Engage4BIO’s General Assembly in Trapani, Italy!

By 13 Mar. 2024May 16th, 2024No Comments

On the 28th and 29th of February 2024, the Engage4BIO’s Consortium reunited in Trapani, Italy, for its 2nd General Assembly meeting, hosted by Università di Palermo, in the location offered by the Associazione degli Industriali della Provincia di Trapani.

We spent two intense day reflecting on the progress and lessons learnt achieved suring Engage4BIO’s activities implementation, giving and receiving feedback. Moreover, the Consortium collectively reviewed and finetuned the steps ahead, excited to discuss the future months.
We had also the chance to have with us our Associate Partners, that were invited for a cross-fertilization and co-creation session, giving Partners their precious points of view on the processes they were involved in, and sharing their expectation for the upcoming training activities.

The two days ended with a visit to the beautiful salt works outside the city of Trapani, where we learnt how salt is extracted from sea water by evaporation from different pools, and how the product is stored and used in the traditional way.

We would like to thank all participants for their support and enthusiasm for our activities.

Below you can find pictures from our productive days 🙂