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Vision Building Workshop- Hungary Hub!

By 20 Jun. 2023May 16th, 2024No Comments

The co-creation workshop of local bioeconomy vision and strategy approach of the Hungarian Engage4BIO hub was organised on 12 June 2023 in Budapest. Stakeholders invited were chosen to cover all levels of the quadruple helix, as different point of views and different approaches are very important for a fruitful discussion and for the effective co-creation procedure. 18 experts participated at the event. Most of them represented the research and education sector, but there were representatives from the policy sector and from the private sector as well. Future thinking” method was chosen to support the involvement of each participant, to initiate the “out-of-the-box-thinking” and to help concentrate on the future and the vision. Following a vivid discussion, the participants agreed in the main points of the vision of the Engage4BIO hub:

  • As for now, bioeconomy is not involved in the education in Hungary, nevertheless it was agreed that education is a key, starting from kindergarten, involving the whole family, using also artificial intelligence and non-formal education. The main take away message from the discussion was that education should be freer, decentralized, there is no need for uniform systems. Education should follow the actualities and support creativity.
  • Awareness raising and mentality shaping are very important; art&design can play important role. Art&design activities should create new bridges between the different stakeholders and play very important roles in promoting bioeconomy. Art&design can help interpret complex issues in an accessible and entertaining way for a wider audience and policy makers. There should be a clear message.
  • Governance should be local, decentralized, and effective: county and settlement-level strategies, solutions and priorities are needed – all supported by national level vision and goals. Communication and cooperation have to be strong between the different actors.