Engage4BIO has started. On the 19th and 20th of October 2022, the Consortium met in Linz for the Kick-off meeting of the new Horizon Europe project. Hosted by ZSI (Engage4BIO coordinator), the event was the occasion to finally meet all the participants coming from all the six European countries represented (Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Hungary, Belgium, Finland).
Engage4BIO will strengthen circular, sustainable bioeconomy and sustainable regional development through engaging quadruple helix actors from five regional bio-based systems, the HUBs, in processes of design thinking, co-creation, (re)training and skills development.
The 5 HUBs are focused on five different value chains and products:
- Timber, Construction & Interior (Austria)
- Sustainable packaging (Finland)
- Agriculture and food industry (Hungary)
- Circular and Bio-based Textiles (The Netherlands)
- Blue-bioeconomy (Italy)
All the partners involved in the consortium will be assist by other Organization involved in the different value chains. In total, 21 organizations joined the consortium.
Stay tuned and follow us on social media to stay up to date on the next updates and upcoming events of Engage4BIO