On the 5th June 2023, CLIC Innovation and Metropolia University of Applied Sciences held a 4Recycling ecosystem vision and strategy workshop on the theme of Sustainable Packaging, in connection with the EU–funded Engage4BIO project. The objective of the workshop was to support the project co–creation and implementation activities by collecting innovative ideas for actions enhancing regional bioeconomy development, activities for training and mentoring, knowledge gain campaigns and innovative governance models, as well as pave the way for the following co–creation processes and outputs. The findings from the workshop will be included in the
Pathfinder manual of the Finnish hub.
Pathfinder manual of the Finnish hub.
The workshop participants included VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Metsä Spring Oy, The Finnish Packaging Association, University of Eastern Finland, Stora Enso Oyj, Kemira Oyj, Borealis AG and Griffin Refineries Oy. The workshop was constructed from brief introductions to the 4Recycling open innovation ecosystem and the Engage4BIO project, findings from survey interviews related to “Map & Gap” analysis on packaging in Finland, followed by the groupwork activity. Participants were divided into three groups to discuss a specific thematic sub–vision: Training & mentoring, Governance models, and Knowledge gain & awareness campaigns. The groups were instructed to write ideas on post–it notes and place them on a timeline of 2025, 2027 and 2030, based on which year the suggested activity should be in action. To end the session, the participants voted on the most relevant and innovative actions. The ideas from post–it notes and group discussions were recorded digitally on Padlets.
The overall vision for regional bioeconomy development for the Finnish Sustainable packaging hub was adopted from previous 4Recycling ecosystem vision work: Create system–solutions to introduce a profitable but sustainable market for plastics recycling and for substitutive biobased materials. Sub–visions for each thematic area supporting this overall vision were co–created and validated in the workshop.
Some of the key takeaways from the groupwork sessions are: developing a common criteria for sustainable packaging in Finland based on research was identified by several stakeholders as major action item. Digitalisation, data and statistics should be leveraged to support communication and awareness raising, knowledge gain and informed decision–making processes. Handprint and product data should be easily accessible e.g. via a QR code placed on the packaging. Regulation training for all value chain actors including decision–makers and regulators is needed and would further support market shaping and making for sustainable packaging.